Dopamenu & ADHD: Boosting Dopamine for Motivation & Productivity

In today's fast-paced world, staying motivated and productive can be a challenge. With distractions at every turn and demands pulling us in multiple directions, finding ways to boost motivation and focus as an ADHDer is essential.

One effective strategy I use with many of my clients is to create a dopamine menu or “Dopamenu" – a personalized toolkit of activities designed to trigger the release of dopamine. Let’s explore what a Dopamine Menu is, why it's effective, and how you can create one tailored to your needs…

Understanding Dopamine

By understanding how dopamine works, we can leverage its power to increase our motivation and productivity. Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter and hormone commonly associated with motivation, pleasure and reward, but also plays a role in helping with movement and memory. Dopamine is often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter because it plays a crucial role in our brain's reward system. When we experience something pleasurable or rewarding, such as achieving a goal or receiving positive feedback, dopamine is released. The release of dopamine then reinforces this behaviour and motivates us to seek similar experiences in the future. We can use this knowledge to help create motivation and pleasurable associations with tasks we might feel ambivilant or negative towards initially.

What is a Dopamenu?

A dopamenu (of dopamine menu) is a curated list of activities that reliably trigger the release of dopamine in your brain, usually presented like a menu in a restaurant would be. These activities can vary widely from person to person, as what brings pleasure and satisfaction to one individual may not have the same effect on another. The key is to identify the activities that resonate with you personally and incorporate them into your daily routine.

A dopamenu is like a menu for lunch but for dopamine. Here we have a lunch menu.

Creating Your Dopamenu

  1. Know Why You Want a Dopamenu: Think about particular struggles you are having now or have had in the past. These difficulties might be to do with motivation, starting tasks and keeping attention or focus. Think about why you struggled with these tasks, what could have made them less challenging, and what would have made them more exciting or captivating for you.

  2. Identify Your Dopamine Boosting Activities: Reflect on past experiences and activities that have made you feel motivated, satisfied, or accomplished. These experiences could include anything from completing a task ahead of schedule or physically moving your body, to engaging in a favourite hobby or spending time with loved ones.

  3. Experiment with New Activities: Be open to trying new things and exploring different avenues for dopamine release. This process could involve activities such as exercise, listening to music, practising mindfulness or meditation, or even something as simple as savouring a favourite treat or sitting with a cup of tea for 5 minutes before starting a particularly difficult task.

  4. Prioritise Variety: While certain activities may reliably trigger dopamine release, it's essential to maintain variety in your dopamenu to prevent habituation and keep things engaging! Think of ways to include activities that last for different time lengths, too, so that you can always have something that will fit into your schedule, no matter how busy you are! Rotate through different activities and experiment with combining them in new ways to keep your brain stimulated.

  5. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection: Remember that the goal of your dopamenu is to increase motivation and boost your mood whilst creating a little more productivity, not to strive towards toxic productivity to achieve perfection or be superhuman. Celebrate small victories and progress towards your goals, even if they may seem insignificant. This positive reinforcement will help keep you motivated and on track. If you struggle with memory, it might help to track what you have been able to do on a weekly basis to see your achievements. Know that our energy is not consistent and will vary depending on the time of the month or the season.

  6. Adapt and Evolve: As your priorities and preferences change over time, so too should your dopamenu. Be flexible and willing to adapt your toolkit to meet your evolving needs and circumstances. You are not the same person you were a year ago or even three months ago, so revisit your dopamenu at least annually to see what you might like to add or change.

Examples of How to Present Your Dopamenu

Brunch - Activities to boost you in the morning and set up your day to be more focused or fulfilling.

Starters - Quick boosts that help you get in the zone quickly with very little set-up needed and usually take less than 20 minutes.

Mains - Fulfilling boosts that take longer than 20 minutes to complete but really replenish you or enrich your life.

Dessert - Activities that are good to do sometimes but easy to overdo or get sucked into for hours. These ones are best to do in small amounts or less frequently.

Sides—Excellent activities to do while doing a task you find challenging or boring to make it more engaging.

Nightcaps - Activities that help you feel relaxed and ready to sleep, usually lower cortisol, and may induce melatonin.

Specials - Fulfilling activities that are for an extended time (e.g. half a day or more) or are occasional (due to cost or other practicalities) but really replenish or fulfil you.

See My Dopamenu as an example:

Benefits of Having a Dopamenu

  • Increased motivation and productivity

  • Enhanced mood and overall well-being

  • Greater resilience in the face of challenges

  • Improved focus and concentration

  • Enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities

Creating a dopamenu can be a powerful tool for boosting motivation and productivity in your daily life. By identifying your personal dopamine triggers and incorporating them into your routine, you can harness the power of this neurotransmitter to achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life. So why not start crafting your Dopamine Menu today? Your future self will thank you for it!

If you have find this helpful and would like to explore other ways to tackle challenges your ADHD or autistic brain brings and harness its strengths, please get in touch or book a discovery call below:


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