Bex Harper Earth CoachingGet Your FREE Workshop!Stop Poor Boundaries Ruining Your Life!Thursday, 23rd February 2023 at 7:30pm (BST)Are you:🌱 Feeling everyone wants a piece of you or your time? 🌱 Feeling disrespected and like you don’t matter?🌱 Worried you are never going to have time for yourself and your goals?🌱 Left overburdened with everyone else’s problems even when you try to say no?How to have good boundaries isn’t something they teach in school! This workshop by Bex Harper Earth Coaching explores how you can avoid getting into situations where you feel unheard, overburdened and just going along with what other people want because it is easier in the short term.This workshop is not just fundamental for folks with chronic illnesses and neurodivergents, but also people-pleasers, carers, HSPs and parents.You will learn:✨ What boundaries are and how to assert them well.✨ How boundaries differ across different relationship types ✨An understanding of what’s best for you for each relationship type in your life.✨ How to avoid getting into situations where someone oversteps your boundaries and how to do damage control if they do!Book me onto the workshop!We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.Built with ConvertKit Free Workshop!