June & July Gardening: What to sow!
Things growing in the garden right now:
This year, the weather has really impacted crops like I have never seen before. So if your plants seem really behind, you are not alone.
Whilst I planted my garlic bulbs and (autumn planting) red onion sets in October, and would normally expect to be harvesting those in the next couple of weeks, some still look like they have another 2 months to go!
My early potatoes (I planted 4 rows of 5-6 seed potatoes at the end of March) are looking good but, again, seem much behind what I would expect. Maybe I will get them next month, instead! My “2nd earlies” are salad potatoes but they work well for roasting and chips too - I always grow Charlotte potatoes. These went in at the end of April, which means they will be ready at the end of August or maybe September if the weather holds them back. I sowed enough to last me from August until March if I put them in storage correctly to keep them from going soft.
I sowed some broad beans outdoors in November, and again in January and February. The November ones are cropping now and I have been able to enjoy some already so this is about right, but I expect the later sown ones to not be ready until July.
My runner beans have really struggled. Half are coming along now and the other half have given up. So I am resowing some this weekend (yes, it is a bit late, but it seems so is the entire growing year!)
I lost my aubergines and peppers this year because of a combination of pests and the weather - it really has been my worst year on the allotment for losing crops in the 5 years that I have had the plot. I planted out my tomatoes last month and they seem to be slowly adjusting to life outside the greenhouse.
The pumpkins, butternut squashes and courgettes were also planted out last month and have really been a mix - some look very strong and others look a bit overwhelmed! Hopefully they will pick up soon!
My rhubarb is coming to an end now but strawberry and gooseberry season is starting - and this is my favourite time of the year!
I have grown lemon balm, chamomile, dill and chives and they seem to be doing ok. It is also time to plant out my leek seedlings - I have left it a bit late!
Seeds I am sowing in June and July:
These are all sown in trays or module trays in the greenhouse and then planted out once they need potting on:
Salad Leaves
Bush beans
Climbing beans
Runner beans
I know what you might be thinking, some of these are the same as what you said you planted last month, so what happened? Well, I like to succession sow, which basically means I sow the same crop about every 4-6 weeks to have a continual supply. For example, by the time I have eaten my first lot of radishes, there will be more ready for me to eat and another lot about to be planted out that will be ready 4 weeks later!
Things you can still sow if you missed them in May:
Any of the above!
This marks the end of my February to July growing but remember that may things can still be planted through the summer for an autumn harvest. Plus, microgreens can be grown all year round!