March Gardening: What to sow!
Things growing in the garden right now:
I planted garlic bulbs and (autumn planting) red onion sets in October and they are looking promising for a June harvest!
I sowed some broad beans outdoors in November but they have been battered by the weather, a bit! Some have survived but I sowed a few more in the greenhouse in January and February and these are almost ready to plant out. In the greenhouse, I’ve also sowed leek, pea, cauliflower, cabbage and radish seeds. I’ve already planted out the radish as these are a fast crop so I should have radishes by the end of March!
At the end of last month, I sowed tomato, aubergine and bell peppers on my sunny windowsill inside my home and some of the tomatoes have already been pricked out and repotted.
My overwintered rocket leaves are in the greenhouse and I will plant out the rocket out once the cold and snowy weather seems to have passed.
The first stalks of rhubarb are starting to look like they are ready to pick now too, so I’m looking forward to my first crumble of the year!
Seeds I am sowing in March:
These are all sown in trays or module trays in the greenhouse and then planted out in April:
Salad Leaves
Purple Sprouting Broccoli
Spring Onion
Brussels sprouts
I know what you might be thinking, some of these are the same as what you said you planted last month, so what happened? Well, I like to succession sow, which basically means I sow the same crop about every 4-6 weeks to have a continual supply. For example, by the time I have eaten my first lot of radishes, there will be more ready for me to eat and another lot about to be planted out that will be ready 4 weeks later!
Things you can still sow if you missed them in February:
Bell peppers
These three need to be sown indoors on a bright and warm windowsill, as they will struggle in a greenhouse. However the following can be sown in a warm greenhouse if you run out of windowsill space:
Broad beans