Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Growing microgreens on a windowsill

You may have grown cress as a child and seen how easy it is to grow. Microgreens contain a good amount of nutrients and are basically sprouted seeds and are a good way of getting extra greens into your diet.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Neurodivergence and Cooking: 7 Days of ‘Buddha Bowls’

You are not alone if, as a neurodivergent, you struggle with meal planning, online shopping and cooking. You might find recipes too difficult to follow, find cooking stressful, have varying tastes or textures depending on what week of the year it is and have safe foods that then you quickly cannot stand. But there are some solutions…

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

20 Free or Cheap Activities For This Summer!

15 ways to spend your summer leisure time! The summer holidays for parents are often particularly financially difficult but it is always nice to have ideas about cheap or free ideas for leisure time. Most of the ideas are eco-friendly too, in that they don’t require lots of electricity to do.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Sleep Hygiene for ADHD and CFS

Sleep is incredibly important for everyone but if you have ADHD, CFS / ME, Long Covid or Fibromyalgia then it is even more important to have good sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene isn’t just about how and when you sleep — a lot of it is dependent on how you spend your morning and the daytime waking hours, as well as food and exercise habits. Sleep is one of the biggest topics that come up with my ADHD clients and if you have ADHD, know you are not alone in this.

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Morning Routines and Bedtime Routines for ADHD

Getting out of bed with ADHD can be a mission! What morning routines do successful ADHDers use? How is having a bedtime routine as important for ADHD as a morning routine? How can you become a “morning person” with ADHD? Why do you struggle to sleep with ADHD?

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community, Essex, neurodiversity, neurodivergent, ADHD Bex Harper Earth Coaching community, Essex, neurodiversity, neurodivergent, ADHD Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Neurodivergents in Nature -Southend-on-Sea Group

Neurodivergents in Nature - Southend-on-Sea brings together like-minded, positive and understanding neurodivergents who love to get out in nature or use nature to manage their neurodiversity. You will find us hanging out on the beach, in woodlands for walks or (in the colder months) meeting in cafes near the sea front for talks on neurodiversity, nature and wellbeing!

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The 6 Ds - ADHD-friendly organisation for overwhelm!

With neurodiversity, such as ADHD, or chronic illnesses, overwhelm is very common and writing a to-do list can often make it worse initially.

When you are overwhelmed, it can be easy to spiral and spend the day in paralysis, doing nothing. Here are two of my methods for coping with overwhelm paralysis— see if either work for you!

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Bex Harper Earth Coaching Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Earth Coaching ‘New Year, New Purpose’ Package

I will be back for a brand-new year with a new chance to put purpose into your life, manage your health and wellbeing, reduce the chaos and clutter, focus on your ambitions and create new opportunities for yourself! Check out the New Year, New Purpose’ Package!

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chronic illness, resting, pacing, recovery, mental health, support, waiting lists Bex Harper Earth Coaching chronic illness, resting, pacing, recovery, mental health, support, waiting lists Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Managing or Recovering from a Chronic Illness

Being someone who has consistently had to put their health before everything else, I understand how demotivating it can be to have a flare up, low energy, pain, brain fog, or low mood. But having a strong support network and the right help can make a massive difference. You can get still help whilst you are on waiting lists for diagnosis or healthcare.

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permaculture, chronic illness, neurodiversity, mindfulness, pacing, existentialism Bex Harper Earth Coaching permaculture, chronic illness, neurodiversity, mindfulness, pacing, existentialism Bex Harper Earth Coaching

The Philosophy of Earth Coaching

Global warming, human mental illness and loss of animal habitat seem to be topics that appear frequently in the news and in day-to-day conversation. How can we take lessons from these urgent and serious issues into our personal and spiritual lives? How can we live in the modern world in a more authentic, peaceful and sustainable way, in line with nature? Why do so many of us seem to be suffering from burn out, fatigue, chronic health issues or mental illness?

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chronic illness, relationships, communication, neurodiversity Bex Harper Earth Coaching chronic illness, relationships, communication, neurodiversity Bex Harper Earth Coaching

Do you want empathy or solutions?

One thing that I’ve learnt being chronically ill and neurodiverse is that people don’t always want or even need your help. So if you are someone who finds they are constantly being bombarded with unsolicited advice, then you may find “Do you want empathy or solutions?” a powerful question to ask others and for others to ask you.

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